Deep links and UI improvements

This update contains an improved login flow and other UI enhancements to make your life a little easier.

  • The app now redirects you back to original URL after logging in. Previously, you were always sent to the dashboard after logging in.
  • Notification emails for code review and @mentions now contain a clickable deep link to the deployment request. Previously, you had to search for the deployment yourself.

JIRA auto-fill

  • When you link a JIRA issue and the title field is still empty, we will now pre-fill it for you with the issue title. Previously, many users copy and pasted the title by hand.

Other improvements and fixes

  • Adds configurable permissions for who can review
  • Adds configurable permissions for who can self-review their own requests
  • Adds settings page for Webhooks and API credentials
  • Adds an option to ignore whitespace changes in diffs
  • Adds the ability to review CHECKLISTS
  • Adds dynamic page titles
  • Fixes new branches initially showing an error
  • Fixes an issue where permissions did not deploy for large change sets
  • Fixes lock contention when multiple DRs were created around the same time
  • Fixes an issue where deployments that took longer than 45 minutes could get stuck in "Merging..."