My Domain, Multi-Clone, and more…

  • Each Blue Canvas workspace now has a dedicated URL in the format to improve the security and scalability of the system. Transition should be seamless, since users will be routed to the new login pages based on their email address and old bookmarks will continue working and automatically redirect to the new domain.


  • Simplify the distribution of one Deployment Request to multiple target branches. You can now clone to multiple branches with one click through the new Edit ▼ > Clone to Many… option on the deployment page.

Usability tweaks

  • You can now search and filter deployment requests by label—use the dropdown menu in the sidebar of the deployments list page.
  • Bulk Releases have a new button on the Stories tab that allows you to uncheck all attached checkboxes with a single click.
  • Rows on the deployment list page can now be selected with a checkbox and deleted in batches.
  • The deployment editor now sports a 3-panel layout, making it easier to understand the source, target, and merged content. Diffs now offer optional in-line layout, in addition to side-by-side.

Other improvements and fixes

  • Adds compatibility for Salesforce Edge and Enhanced Domains
  • Adds colored user avatars
  • Adds option to invite more than one user at once
  • Adds a clickable ➡️ button to switch source & target branches
  • Removes the neutral option from the peer review dialog because it was confusing
  • Fixes a bug where deployments could not be deleted if the source or target branch had been removed