FAQ | Blue Canvas
Frequently Asked Questions
Does Blue Canvas track changes to custom objects?
We can track changes to Custom Objects (i.e. changes to src/objects/__c.object) and Standard Objects (src/objects/.object). These Object components may contain "Custom Fields".
How do you connect to my Org?
Blue Canvas connects to your Salesforce instance using OAuth 2.0. When you sign up for a Blue Canvas account you will be asked to authenticate your Salesforce account with Blue Canvas. For more information please read the Blue Canvas.
You can connect the following Salesforce editions: Developer Edition, Partner Developer Edition, Enterprise Edition Sandbox, Unlimited Edition Sandbox, and Performance Edition Sandbox.
Where is the Blue Canvas repo hosted? Do you offer an on-premise solution?
Your Blue Canvas repo is privately hosted on Amazon Web Services. We currently do not offer an on-premise solution, though if this is a requirement we’d love to hear from you. Please email us at team@bluecanvas.io.
Git repositories on Blue Canvas are private, managed, and automatically scaled. Data in Blue Canvas is encrypted in transit and at rest. You can read more about Security at Blue Canvas.
What are my options for UIs?
Blue Canvas works seamlessly with Git. This is great because you can just use Git on the command line and push code to production. But we have also built a UI for visualizing changes in your Salesforce orgs and creating Deployment Requests to deploy between orgs.
Also, because Blue Canvas is built on top of Git, you can use any Git based UI that you would like to. SourceTree is a great UI for visualizing Git. You can also use Blue Canvas with GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab to leverage their UIs and code diffing interfaces. Please see our docs on how to set up repository mirroring.
How does Blue Canvas affect my Salesforce API limits?
Blue Canvas leverages Salesforce APIs in order to work its magic. Salesforce does enforce some limitations on the number of API calls you can make in a 24-hour period. Most developer org types are allowed 15,000 API calls per 24-hour period and sandboxes get 5,000,000. Blue Canvas uses fewer than 6,000 per day.
We have a limiter in place that will stop using your API calls once you hit 75% of your API limit. Blue Canvas will then wait until you fall back below 75% before syncing changes. We can retroactively grab changes that occurred during the period where things were paused. To customize this limit, email team@bluecanvas.io.
How do I access my Blue Canvas repository?
Use the git clone
command displayed on your Blue Canvas profile page. When asked to log in, enter the Blue Canvas username and password that you used to log in to the profile page.
Your Blue Canvas repository is hosted at https://git.bluecanvas.io/v1/<account>/<project>.git
, for example:
$ git clone https://git.bluecanvas.io/v1/nextlevel/thundercat.git
Cloning into 'thundercat'...
Username for 'https://git.bluecanvas.io/v1/nextlevel/thundercat.git': egbert@example.net
Password for 'https://egbert@example.net@git.bluecanvas.io/v1/nextlevel/thundercat.git': ********
remote: Counting objects: 133, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (76/76), done.
remote: Total 133 (delta 51), reused 133 (delta 51)
Receiving objects: 100% (133/133), 123.52 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (51/51), done.
How do I configure which components to synchronized?
Blue Canvas automatically synchronizes the components listed in src/package.xml
. Visit our docs for more information on this.
Updated 11 months ago