Supported Metadata List
This page is applicable to customers that have NextGen syncs enabled. See Legacy branch syncs if you signed up for Blue Canvas before Sept 1st 2024
This page lists the metadata types supported by Blue Canvas. In summary, we support all metadata types that are also supported by the Salesforce CLI. If a metadata type is not supported, it is likely due to restrictions imposed by the Salesforce platform.
By default, Blue Canvas syncs all available metadata types. If you notice that a particular metadata type is missing, please double-check your metadata configuration in the Blue Canvas settings. To improve sync performance, consider excluding metadata types that are unnecessary for your use case. For instance, many organizations have auto-generated reports, which can be excluded to significantly enhance sync times.
Metadata Type | Support | Notes |
AccessControlPolicy | ✅ | |
AccountForecastSettings | ✅ | |
AccountingFieldMapping | ✅ | |
AccountingModelConfig | ✅ | |
AccountingSettings | ✅ | |
AccountIntelligenceSettings | ✅ | |
AccountPlanSettings | ✅ | Salesforce release (v62) |
AccountRelationshipShareRule | ✅ | |
AccountSettings | ✅ | |
AcctMgrTargetSettings | ✅ | |
ActionableEventOrchDef | ✅ | |
ActionableEventTypeDef | ✅ | |
ActionableListDefinition | ✅ | |
ActionLauncherItemDef | ✅ | |
ActionLinkGroupTemplate | ✅ | |
ActionPlanTemplate | ✅ | |
ActionsSettings | ✅ | |
ActivationPlatform | ✅ | |
ActivitiesSettings | ✅ | |
ActnblListKeyPrfmIndDef | ✅ | |
AddressSettings | ✅ | |
AdvAccountForecastSet | ✅ | |
AdvAcctForecastDimSource | ✅ | |
AdvAcctForecastPeriodGroup | ✅ | |
AffinityScoreDefinition | ✅ | |
Ai4mSettings | ✅ | |
AIApplication | ✅ | |
AIApplicationConfig | ✅ | |
AIAssistantTemplate | ✅ | |
AIReplyRecommendationsSettings | ✅ | |
AIScoringModelDefinition | ✅ | |
AIScoringModelDefVersion | ✅ | |
AIUsecaseDefinition | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
AnalyticSnapshot | ✅ | |
AnalyticsSettings | ✅ | |
AnimationRule | ✅ | |
ApexClass | ✅ | |
ApexComponent | ✅ | |
ApexEmailNotifications | ✅ | |
ApexPage | ✅ | |
ApexSettings | ✅ | |
ApexTestSuite | ✅ | |
ApexTrigger | ✅ | |
AppAnalyticsSettings | ✅ | |
AppExperienceSettings | ✅ | |
ApplicationRecordTypeConfig | ✅ | |
ApplicationSubtypeDefinition | ✅ | |
AppMenu | ✅ | |
AppointmentAssignmentPolicy | ✅ | |
AppointmentSchedulingPolicy | ✅ | |
ApprovalProcess | ✅ | |
AssessmentConfiguration | ❌ | Not supported |
AssessmentQuestion | ✅ | |
AssessmentQuestionSet | ✅ | |
AssignmentRule | ✅ | |
AssignmentRules | ✅ | |
AssistantContextItem | ✅ | |
AssistantDefinition | ✅ | |
AssistantRecommendationType | ✅ | |
AssistantSkillQuickAction | ✅ | |
AssistantSkillSobjectAction | ✅ | |
AssistantVersion | ✅ | |
AssociationEngineSettings | ✅ | |
Audience | ✅ | |
AuraDefinitionBundle | ✅ | |
AuthProvider | ✅ | |
AutomatedContactsSettings | ✅ | |
AutoResponseRule | ✅ | |
AutoResponseRules | ✅ | |
BatchCalcJobDefinition | ✅ | |
BatchProcessJobDefinition | ✅ | |
BenefitAction | ✅ | |
BillingSettings | ✅ | Salesforce release (v62) |
BlacklistedConsumer | ✅ | |
BldgEnrgyIntensityCnfg | ✅ | |
BlockchainSettings | ✅ | |
Bot | ✅ | |
BotBlock | ✅ | |
BotBlockVersion | ❌ | Not supported |
BotSettings | ✅ | |
BotTemplate | ✅ | |
BotVersion | ✅ | |
BranchManagementSettings | ✅ | |
BrandingSet | ✅ | |
BriefcaseDefinition | ✅ | |
BusinessHoursSettings | ✅ | |
BusinessProcess | ✅ | |
BusinessProcessFeedbackConfiguration | ✅ | |
BusinessProcessGroup | ✅ | |
BusinessProcessTypeDefinition | ✅ | |
CallCenter | ✅ | |
CallCenterRoutingMap | ✅ | |
CallCoachingMediaProvider | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
CallCtrAgentFavTrfrDest | ✅ | |
CampaignInfluenceModel | ✅ | |
CampaignSettings | ✅ | |
CanvasMetadata | ✅ | |
CareBenefitVerifySettings | ✅ | |
CareLimitType | ✅ | |
CareProviderAfflRoleConfig | ✅ | |
CareProviderSearchConfig | ✅ | |
CareRequestConfiguration | ✅ | |
CareSystemFieldMapping | ✅ | |
CaseSettings | ✅ | |
CaseSubjectParticle | ✅ | |
Certificate | ✅ | |
ChannelLayout | ✅ | |
ChannelObjectLinkingRule | ✅ | |
ChannelRevMgmtSettings | ✅ | Salesforce release (v62) |
ChatterAnswersSettings | ✅ | |
ChatterEmailsMDSettings | ✅ | |
ChatterExtension | ✅ | |
ChatterSettings | ✅ | |
ChoiceList | ❌ | Salesforce release (v62), Not supported |
ClaimFinancialSettings | ✅ | |
ClaimMgmtFoundationEnabledSettings | ✅ | |
ClauseCatgConfiguration | ✅ | |
CleanDataService | ✅ | |
CMSConnectSource | ✅ | |
CodeBuilderSettings | ✅ | |
CollectionsDashboardSettings | ✅ | |
CommandAction | ✅ | |
CommerceSettings | ✅ | |
CommsServiceConsoleSettings | ✅ | |
CommunitiesSettings | ✅ | |
Community | ✅ | |
CommunityTemplateDefinition | ✅ | |
CommunityThemeDefinition | ✅ | |
CompactLayout | ✅ | |
CompanySettings | ✅ | |
ConnectedApp | ✅ | |
ConnectedAppSettings | ✅ | |
ContentAsset | ✅ | |
ContentSettings | ✅ | |
ContextDefinition | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
ContextUseCaseMapping | ❌ | Not supported |
ContractSettings | ✅ | |
ContractType | ❌ | Not supported |
ConversationalIntelligenceSettings | ✅ | |
ConversationChannelDefinition | ✅ | |
ConversationMessageDefinition | ✅ | Salesforce release (v62) |
ConversationServiceIntegrationSettings | ✅ | |
ConversationVendorFieldDef | ✅ | |
ConversationVendorInfo | ✅ | |
ConvIntelligenceSignalRule | ❌ | Salesforce release (v62), Not supported |
CorsWhitelistOrigin | ✅ | |
CspTrustedSite | ✅ | |
CurrencySettings | ✅ | |
CustomAddressFieldSettings | ✅ | |
CustomApplication | ✅ | |
CustomApplicationComponent | ✅ | |
CustomDataType | ✅ | |
CustomerDataPlatformSettings | ✅ | |
CustomExperience | ✅ | |
CustomFeedFilter | ✅ | |
CustomField | ✅ | |
CustomFieldTranslation | ✅ | |
CustomHelpMenuSection | ✅ | |
CustomIndex | ✅ | |
CustomizablePropensityScoringSettings | ✅ | |
CustomLabel | ✅ | |
CustomLabels | ✅ | |
CustomMetadata | ✅ | |
CustomNotificationType | ✅ | |
CustomObject | ✅ | |
CustomObjectTranslation | ✅ | Slow, generally not used. Disabled by default |
CustomPageWebLink | ✅ | |
CustomPermission | ✅ | |
CustomSite | ✅ | |
CustomTab | ✅ | |
CustomValue | ❌ | Not supported |
Dashboard | ✅ | |
DashboardFolder | ✅ | |
DataCalcInsightTemplate | ✅ | |
DataCategoryGroup | ✅ | |
DataConnectorIngestApi | ✅ | |
DataConnectorS3 | ✅ | |
DataDotComSettings | ✅ | |
DataImportManagementSettings | ✅ | |
DataKitObjectDependency | ✅ | |
DataKitObjectTemplate | ✅ | |
DataPackageKitDefinition | ✅ | |
DataPackageKitObject | ✅ | |
DataPipeline | ✅ | |
DataSource | ✅ | |
DataSourceBundleDefinition | ✅ | |
DataSourceObject | ✅ | |
DataSourceTenant | ✅ | |
DataSrcDataModelFieldMap | ✅ | |
DataStreamDefinition | ✅ | |
DataStreamTemplate | ✅ | |
DataWeaveResource | ✅ | |
DecisionMatrixDefinition | ✅ | |
DecisionMatrixDefinitionVersion | ✅ | |
DecisionTable | ✅ | |
DecisionTableDatasetLink | ✅ | |
DelegateGroup | ✅ | |
DeploymentSettings | ✅ | |
DevHubSettings | ✅ | |
DigitalExperience | ✅ | |
DigitalExperienceBundle | ✅ | |
DigitalExperienceConfig | ✅ | |
DisclosureDefinition | ✅ | |
DisclosureDefinitionVersion | ✅ | |
DisclosureType | ✅ | |
DiscoveryAIModel | ✅ | |
DiscoveryGoal | ✅ | |
DiscoverySettings | ✅ | |
DiscoveryStory | ✅ | |
Document | ✅ | |
DocumentCategory | ✅ | |
DocumentCategoryDocumentType | ✅ | |
DocumentChecklistSettings | ✅ | |
DocumentFolder | ✅ | |
DocumentGenerationSetting | ✅ | |
DocumentTemplate | ❌ | Not supported |
DocumentType | ✅ | |
DuplicateRule | ✅ | |
DynamicFormsSettings | ✅ | |
DynamicFulfillmentOrchestratorSettings | ✅ | |
DynamicTrigger | ✅ | |
EACSettings | ✅ | |
EclairGeoData | ✅ | |
EinsteinAgentSettings | ✅ | |
EinsteinAISettings | ✅ | |
EinsteinAssistantSettings | ✅ | |
EinsteinCopilotSettings | ✅ | |
EinsteinDealInsightsSettings | ✅ | |
EinsteinDocumentCaptureSettings | ✅ | |
EinsteinGptSettings | ✅ | |
EmailAdministrationSettings | ✅ | |
EmailFolder | ✅ | |
EmailIntegrationSettings | ✅ | |
EmailServicesFunction | ✅ | |
EmailTemplate | ✅ | |
EmailTemplateFolder | ✅ | |
EmailTemplateSettings | ✅ | |
EmbeddedServiceBranding | ✅ | |
EmbeddedServiceConfig | ✅ | |
EmbeddedServiceFieldService | ✅ | |
EmbeddedServiceFlowConfig | ✅ | |
EmbeddedServiceLiveAgent | ✅ | |
EmbeddedServiceMenuSettings | ✅ | |
EmployeeDataSyncProfile | ❌ | Not supported |
EmployeeFieldAccessSettings | ✅ | |
EmployeeUserSettings | ✅ | |
EnablementMeasureDefinition | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
EnablementProgramDefinition | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
EnblProgramTaskSubCategory | ✅ | Salesforce release (v62) |
EnhancedNotesSettings | ✅ | |
EntitlementProcess | ✅ | |
EntitlementSettings | ✅ | |
EntitlementTemplate | ✅ | |
EntityImplements | ✅ | |
EscalationRule | ✅ | |
EscalationRules | ✅ | |
ESignatureConfig | ✅ | |
ESignatureEnvelopeConfig | ✅ | |
EssentialsSettings | ✅ | |
EventDelivery | ✅ | |
EventLogObjectSettings | ✅ | |
EventRelayConfig | ✅ | |
EventSettings | ✅ | |
EventSubscription | ✅ | |
EventType | ✅ | |
ExperienceBundle | ✅ | |
ExperienceBundleSettings | ✅ | |
ExperiencePropertyTypeBundle | ✅ | |
ExplainabilityActionDefinition | ✅ | |
ExplainabilityActionVersion | ✅ | |
ExplainabilityMsgTemplate | ✅ | |
ExpressionSetDefinition | ✅ | |
ExpressionSetDefinitionVersion | ✅ | |
ExpressionSetMessageToken | ✅ | |
ExpressionSetObjectAlias | ✅ | |
extDataTranFieldTemplate | ✅ | |
ExtDataTranFieldTemplate | ❌ | Not supported |
ExtDataTranObjectTemplate | ✅ | |
ExternalAIModel | ✅ | |
ExternalAuthIdentityProvider | ❌ | Not supported |
ExternalClientApplication | ✅ | |
ExternalClientAppSettings | ✅ | |
ExternalCredential | ✅ | |
ExternalDataConnector | ✅ | |
ExternalDataSource | ✅ | |
ExternalDataSrcDescriptor | ❌ | Not supported |
ExternalDataTranField | ❌ | Not supported |
ExternalDataTranObject | ❌ | Not supported |
ExternalDocStorageConfig | ❌ | Not supported |
ExternalServiceRegistration | ✅ | |
ExtlClntAppConfigurablePolicies | ✅ | |
ExtlClntAppGlobalOauthSettings | ✅ | |
ExtlClntAppMobileConfigurablePolicies | ✅ | |
ExtlClntAppMobileSettings | ✅ | |
ExtlClntAppNotificationSettings | ✅ | |
ExtlClntAppOauthConfigurablePolicies | ✅ | |
ExtlClntAppOauthSettings | ✅ | |
ExtlClntAppPushConfigurablePolicies | ❌ | Salesforce release (v62), Not supported |
ExtlClntAppPushSettings | ✅ | Salesforce release (v62) |
ExtlClntAppSampleConfigurablePolicies | ✅ | |
ExtlClntAppSampleSettings | ✅ | |
FeatureParameterBoolean | ✅ | |
FeatureParameterDate | ✅ | |
FeatureParameterInteger | ✅ | |
FieldRestrictionRule | ✅ | |
FieldServiceMobileExtension | ✅ | |
FieldServiceSettings | ✅ | |
FieldSet | ✅ | |
FieldSrcTrgtRelationship | ✅ | |
FilesConnectSettings | ✅ | |
FileUploadAndDownloadSecuritySettings | ✅ | |
FlexiPage | ✅ | |
Flow | ✅ | |
FlowCategory | ✅ | |
FlowDefinition | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
FlowSettings | ✅ | |
FlowTest | ✅ | |
ForecastingFilter | ✅ | |
ForecastingFilterCondition | ✅ | |
ForecastingGroup | ✅ | |
ForecastingObjectListSettings | ✅ | |
ForecastingSettings | ✅ | |
ForecastingSourceDefinition | ✅ | |
ForecastingType | ✅ | |
ForecastingTypeSource | ✅ | |
Form | ✅ | |
FormSection | ✅ | |
FormulaSettings | ✅ | |
FuelType | ✅ | |
FuelTypeSustnUom | ✅ | |
FunctionReference | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
FundraisingConfig | ✅ | |
GatewayProviderPaymentMethodType | ✅ | |
GenAiFunction | ✅ | |
GenAiPlanner | ✅ | |
GenAiPlugin | ❌ | Not supported |
GenAiPluginInstructionDef | ❌ | Not supported |
GenAiPromptTemplate | ✅ | |
GenAiPromptTemplateActv | ✅ | |
GlobalPicklist | ✅ | |
GlobalValueSet | ✅ | |
GlobalValueSetTranslation | ✅ | |
GoogleAppsSettings | ✅ | |
Group | ✅ | |
HerokuIntegrationSettings | ✅ | Salesforce release (v62) |
HighVelocitySalesSettings | ✅ | |
HomePageComponent | ✅ | |
HomePageLayout | ✅ | |
Icon | ✅ | |
IdeasSettings | ✅ | |
IdentityProviderSettings | ✅ | |
IdentityVerificationProcDef | ✅ | |
IframeWhiteListUrlSettings | ✅ | |
InboundCertificate | ✅ | |
InboundNetworkConnection | ✅ | |
IncidentMgmtSettings | ✅ | |
IncludeEstTaxInQuoteCPQSettings | ✅ | |
IncludeEstTaxInQuoteSettings | ✅ | |
Index | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
IndustriesAutomotiveSettings | ✅ | |
IndustriesContextSettings | ✅ | |
IndustriesEinsteinFeatureSettings | ✅ | |
IndustriesEventOrchSettings | ✅ | |
IndustriesFieldServiceSettings | ✅ | |
IndustriesGamificationSettings | ✅ | |
IndustriesLoyaltySettings | ✅ | |
IndustriesManufacturingSettings | ✅ | |
IndustriesPricingSettings | ✅ | |
IndustriesRatingSettings | ✅ | Salesforce release (v62) |
IndustriesSettings | ✅ | |
IndustriesUnifiedPromotionsSettings | ✅ | |
IndustriesUsageSettings | ✅ | Salesforce release (v62) |
InsightType | ✅ | |
InstalledPackage | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
IntegrationHubSettings | ✅ | |
IntegrationHubSettingsType | ✅ | |
IntegrationProviderDef | ✅ | |
InterestTaggingSettings | ✅ | |
InternalDataConnector | ✅ | |
InternalOrganization | ✅ | |
InventorySettings | ✅ | |
InvLatePymntRiskCalcSettings | ✅ | |
InvocableActionSettings | ✅ | |
IoTSettings | ✅ | |
IPAddressRange | ✅ | |
KeywordList | ✅ | |
KnowledgeGenerationSettings | ✅ | |
KnowledgeSettings | ✅ | |
LanguageSettings | ✅ | |
LargeQuotesandOrdersForRlmSettings | ✅ | |
Layout | ✅ | |
LeadConfigSettings | ✅ | |
LeadConvertSettings | ✅ | |
LearningAchievementConfig | ❌ | Not supported |
LearningItemType | ✅ | Salesforce release (v62) |
Letterhead | ✅ | |
LicenseDefinition | ✅ | |
LicensingSettings | ✅ | |
LightningBolt | ✅ | |
LightningComponentBundle | ✅ | |
LightningExperienceSettings | ✅ | |
LightningExperienceTheme | ✅ | |
LightningMessageChannel | ✅ | |
LightningOnboardingConfig | ✅ | |
ListView | ✅ | |
LiveAgentSettings | ✅ | |
LiveChatAgentConfig | ✅ | |
LiveChatButton | ✅ | |
LiveChatDeployment | ✅ | |
LiveChatSensitiveDataRule | ✅ | |
LiveMessageSettings | ✅ | |
LocationUse | ✅ | |
LoyaltyProgramSetup | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
MacroSettings | ✅ | |
MailMergeSettings | ✅ | |
ManagedContentType | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
ManagedEventSubscription | ✅ | |
ManagedTopic | ✅ | |
ManagedTopics | ✅ | |
MapsAndLocationSettings | ✅ | |
MarketingAppExtActivity | ❌ | Not supported |
MarketingAppExtension | ✅ | |
MarketingResourceType | ✅ | |
MarketSegmentDefinition | ✅ | |
MatchingRule | ✅ | |
MatchingRules | ✅ | |
MediaAdSalesSettings | ✅ | |
MeetingsSettings | ✅ | |
MessagingChannel | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
MfgProgramTemplate | ✅ | |
MfgServiceConsoleSettings | ✅ | |
MilestoneType | ✅ | |
MktCalcInsightObjectDef | ✅ | |
MktDataConnection | ❌ | Not supported |
MktDataConnectionSrcParam | ❌ | Not supported |
MktDataTranField | ✅ | |
MktDataTranObject | ✅ | |
MLDataDefinition | ✅ | |
MlDomain | ✅ | |
MLPredictionDefinition | ✅ | |
MLRecommendationDefinition | ✅ | |
MobileApplicationDetail | ✅ | |
MobileSecurityAssignment | ✅ | |
MobileSecurityPolicy | ✅ | |
MobileSecurityPolicySet | ✅ | |
MobileSettings | ✅ | |
MobSecurityCertPinConfig | ✅ | |
ModerationRule | ✅ | |
MutingPermissionSet | ✅ | |
MyDomainDiscoverableLogin | ✅ | |
MyDomainSettings | ✅ | |
NamedCredential | ✅ | |
NameSettings | ✅ | |
NavigationMenu | ✅ | |
Network | ✅ | |
NetworkBranding | ✅ | |
NotificationsSettings | ✅ | |
NotificationTypeConfig | ✅ | |
OauthCustomScope | ✅ | |
OauthOidcSettings | ✅ | |
OauthTokenExchangeHandler | ✅ | |
ObjectHierarchyRelationship | ✅ | |
ObjectLinkingSettings | ✅ | |
ObjectSourceTargetMap | ✅ | |
OcrSampleDocument | ✅ | |
OcrTemplate | ✅ | |
OmniChannelPricingSettings | ✅ | |
OmniChannelSettings | ✅ | |
OmniDataTransform | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
OmniExtTrackingDef | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
OmniIntegrationProcedure | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
OmniInteractionAccessConfig | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
OmniInteractionConfig | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
OmniScript | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
OmniSupervisorConfig | ✅ | |
OmniTrackingGroup | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
OmniUiCard | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
OnlineSalesSettings | ✅ | |
OpportunityScoreSettings | ✅ | |
OpportunitySettings | ✅ | |
Orchestration | ✅ | |
OrchestrationContext | ✅ | |
OrderManagementSettings | ✅ | |
OrderSettings | ✅ | |
OrgSettings | ✅ | |
OutboundNetworkConnection | ✅ | |
PardotEinsteinSettings | ✅ | |
PardotSettings | ✅ | |
ParticipantRole | ✅ | |
PartyDataModelSettings | ✅ | |
PathAssistant | ✅ | |
PathAssistantSettings | ✅ | |
PaymentGatewayProvider | ✅ | |
PaymentsManagementEnabledSettings | ✅ | |
PaymentsSettings | ✅ | |
PermissionSet | ✅ | |
PermissionSetGroup | ✅ | |
PermissionSetLicenseDefinition | ✅ | |
PersonAccountOwnerPowerUser | ✅ | |
PicklistSettings | ✅ | |
PicklistValue | ❌ | Not supported |
PipelineInspMetricConfig | ✅ | |
PlatformCachePartition | ✅ | |
PlatformEventChannel | ✅ | |
PlatformEventChannelMember | ✅ | |
PlatformEventSettings | ✅ | |
PlatformEventSubscriberConfig | ✅ | |
PlatformSlackSettings | ✅ | |
Portal | ✅ | |
PortalDelegablePermissionSet | ❌ | Not supported |
PortalsSettings | ✅ | |
PostTemplate | ✅ | |
PredictionBuilderSettings | ✅ | |
PresenceDeclineReason | ✅ | |
PresenceUserConfig | ✅ | |
PricingActionParameters | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
PricingRecipe | ✅ | |
PrivacySettings | ✅ | |
ProcessFlowMigration | ✅ | |
ProductAttrDisplayConfig | ❌ | Not supported |
ProductAttributeSet | ✅ | |
ProductConfiguratorSettings | ✅ | |
ProductDiscoverySettings | ✅ | Salesforce release (v62) |
ProductSettings | ✅ | |
ProductSpecificationRecType | ❌ | Not supported |
ProductSpecificationType | ❌ | Not supported |
ProductSpecificationTypeDefinition | ✅ | |
Profile | ✅ | |
ProfilePasswordPolicy | ✅ | |
ProfileSessionSetting | ✅ | |
Prompt | ✅ | |
PublicKeyCertificate | ❌ | Salesforce release (v62), Not supported |
PublicKeyCertificateSet | ❌ | Salesforce release (v62), Not supported |
Queue | ✅ | |
QueueRoutingConfig | ✅ | |
QuickAction | ✅ | |
QuickTextSettings | ✅ | |
QuoteSettings | ✅ | |
RealTimeEventSettings | ✅ | |
RecAlrtDataSrcExpSetDef | ❌ | Not supported |
RecommendationBuilderSettings | ✅ | |
RecommendationStrategy | ✅ | |
RecordActionDeployment | ✅ | |
RecordAggregationDefinition | ✅ | |
RecordAlertCategory | ✅ | |
RecordAlertDataSource | ✅ | |
RecordAlertTemplate | ✅ | |
RecordPageSettings | ✅ | |
RecordType | ✅ | |
RedirectWhitelistUrl | ✅ | |
ReferencedDashboard | ❌ | Not supported |
ReferralMarketingSettings | ✅ | |
RegisteredExternalService | ✅ | |
RelatedRecordAssocCriteria | ❌ | Not supported |
RelationshipGraphDefinition | ✅ | |
RemoteSiteSetting | ✅ | |
Report | ✅ | |
ReportFolder | ✅ | |
ReportType | ✅ | |
RestrictionRule | ✅ | |
RetailExecutionSettings | ✅ | |
RetrievalSummaryDefinition | ✅ | |
RevenueManagementSettings | ✅ | |
Role | ✅ | |
SalesAgreementSettings | ✅ | |
SalesWorkQueueSettings | ✅ | |
SamlSsoConfig | ✅ | |
SandboxSettings | ✅ | |
SceGlobalModelOptOutSettings | ✅ | |
SchedulingObjective | ✅ | |
SchedulingRule | ✅ | |
SchemaSettings | ✅ | |
Scontrol | ✅ | |
ScoreCategory | ✅ | |
SearchableObjDataSyncInfo | ✅ | |
SearchCriteriaConfiguration | ✅ | |
SearchCustomization | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
SearchOrgWideObjectConfig | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
SearchSettings | ✅ | |
SecuritySettings | ✅ | |
ServiceAISetupDefinition | ✅ | |
ServiceAISetupField | ✅ | |
ServiceChannel | ✅ | |
ServiceCloudVoiceSettings | ✅ | |
ServicePresenceStatus | ✅ | |
ServiceProcess | ✅ | |
ServiceSetupAssistantSettings | ✅ | |
Settings | ✅ | |
SharingCriteriaRule | ✅ | |
SharingGuestRule | ✅ | |
SharingOwnerRule | ✅ | |
SharingReason | ✅ | |
SharingRules | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
SharingSet | ✅ | |
SharingSettings | ✅ | |
SharingTerritoryRule | ✅ | |
SiteDotCom | ✅ | Enable Digital Experiences and use ExperienceBundle instead |
SiteSettings | ✅ | |
Skill | ✅ | |
SkillType | ✅ | |
SlackApp | ✅ | |
SocialCustomerServiceSettings | ✅ | |
SourceTrackingSettings | ✅ | |
StageDefinition | ✅ | Salesforce release (v62) |
StandardValue | ❌ | Not supported |
StandardValueSet | ✅ | |
StandardValueSetTranslation | ✅ | |
StaticResource | ✅ | |
StnryAssetEnvSrcCnfg | ✅ | |
StreamingAppDataConnector | ✅ | |
SubscriptionManagementSettings | ✅ | |
SurveySettings | ✅ | |
SustainabilityUom | ✅ | |
SustnUomConversion | ✅ | |
SvcCatalogCategory | ✅ | |
SvcCatalogFilterCondition | ✅ | |
SvcCatalogFilterCriteria | ✅ | |
SvcCatalogFulfillmentFlow | ✅ | |
SvcCatalogItemDef | ✅ | |
SvcCatalogItemDefFiltrCrit | ✅ | |
SynonymDictionary | ✅ | |
SystemNotificationSettings | ✅ | |
Territory | ✅ | |
Territory2 | ✅ | |
Territory2Model | ✅ | |
Territory2Rule | ✅ | |
Territory2Settings | ✅ | |
Territory2Type | ✅ | |
TimelineObjectDefinition | ✅ | |
TimeSheetTemplate | ✅ | |
TopicsForObjects | ✅ | |
TrailheadSettings | ✅ | |
TransactionSecurityPolicy | ✅ | |
Translations | ✅ | |
TrialOrgSettings | ✅ | |
UiFormatSpecificationSet | ✅ | Salesforce release (v62) |
UIObjectRelationConfig | ✅ | |
UiPlugin | ✅ | |
UiViewDefinition | ✅ | |
UserAccessPolicy | ✅ | |
UserAuthCertificate | ✅ | |
UserCriteria | ✅ | |
UserEngagementSettings | ✅ | |
UserInterfaceSettings | ✅ | |
UserManagementSettings | ✅ | |
UserProfileSearchScope | ✅ | |
UserProvisioningConfig | ✅ | |
ValidationRule | ✅ | |
VehicleAssetEmssnSrcCnfg | ✅ | |
ViewDefinition | ✅ | |
VirtualVisitConfig | ❌ | Not supported |
VisualizationPlugin | ✅ | |
VoiceSettings | ✅ | |
WarrantyLifecycleMgmtSettings | ✅ | |
WaveAnalyticAssetCollection | ❌ | Not supported |
WaveApplication | ✅ | |
WaveComponent | ✅ | |
WaveDashboard | ✅ | |
WaveDataflow | ✅ | |
WaveDataset | ✅ | |
WaveLens | ✅ | |
WaveRecipe | ✅ | |
WaveTemplateBundle | ✅ | |
WaveXmd | ✅ | |
Web3Settings | ✅ | |
WebLink | ✅ | |
WebStoreBundle | ✅ | |
WebStoreTemplate | ✅ | |
WebToXSettings | ✅ | |
WorkDotComSettings | ✅ | |
Workflow | ✅ | |
WorkflowAlert | ✅ | |
WorkflowFieldUpdate | ✅ | |
WorkflowFlowAction | ❌ | Not supported |
WorkflowFlowAutomation | ❌ | Salesforce release (v62), Not supported |
WorkflowKnowledgePublish | ✅ | |
WorkflowOutboundMessage | ✅ | |
WorkflowRule | ✅ | |
WorkflowSend | ✅ | |
WorkflowTask | ✅ | |
WorkforceEngagementSettings | ✅ | |
WorkSkillRouting | ✅ | |
WorkSkillRoutingAttribute | ✅ | |
XOrgHub | ✅ |
Updated 7 months ago