Supported Metadata List
This page is applicable to customers that have NextGen syncs enabled. See Legacy branch syncs if you signed up for Blue Canvas before Sept 1st 2024
This page lists the metadata types supported by Blue Canvas. In summary, we support all metadata types that are also supported by the Salesforce CLI. If a metadata type is not supported, it is likely due to restrictions imposed by the Salesforce platform.
By default, Blue Canvas syncs all available metadata types. If you notice that a particular metadata type is missing, please double-check your metadata configuration in the Blue Canvas settings. To improve sync performance, consider excluding metadata types that are unnecessary for your use case. For instance, many organizations have auto-generated reports, which can be excluded to significantly enhance sync times.
Metadata Type | Support | Notes |
AccessControlPolicy | ✅ | |
AccountForecastSettings | ✅ | |
AccountingFieldMapping | ✅ | |
AccountingModelConfig | ✅ | |
AccountingSettings | ✅ | |
AccountIntelligenceSettings | ✅ | |
AccountPlanSettings | ✅ | Salesforce release (v62) |
AccountRelationshipShareRule | ✅ | |
AccountSettings | ✅ | |
AcctMgrTargetSettings | ✅ | |
ActionableEventOrchDef | ✅ | |
ActionableEventTypeDef | ✅ | |
ActionableListDefinition | ✅ | |
ActionLauncherItemDef | ✅ | |
ActionLinkGroupTemplate | ✅ | |
ActionPlanTemplate | ✅ | |
ActionsSettings | ✅ | |
ActivationPlatform | ✅ | |
ActivitiesSettings | ✅ | |
ActnblListKeyPrfmIndDef | ✅ | |
AddressSettings | ✅ | |
AdvAccountForecastSet | ✅ | |
AdvAcctForecastDimSource | ✅ | |
AdvAcctForecastPeriodGroup | ✅ | |
AffinityScoreDefinition | ✅ | |
Ai4mSettings | ✅ | |
AIApplication | ✅ | |
AIApplicationConfig | ✅ | |
AIAssistantTemplate | ✅ | |
AIReplyRecommendationsSettings | ✅ | |
AIScoringModelDefinition | ✅ | |
AIScoringModelDefVersion | ✅ | |
AIUsecaseDefinition | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
AnalyticSnapshot | ✅ | |
AnalyticsSettings | ✅ | |
AnimationRule | ✅ | |
ApexClass | ✅ | |
ApexComponent | ✅ | |
ApexEmailNotifications | ✅ | |
ApexPage | ✅ | |
ApexSettings | ✅ | |
ApexTestSuite | ✅ | |
ApexTrigger | ✅ | |
AppAnalyticsSettings | ✅ | |
AppExperienceSettings | ✅ | |
ApplicationRecordTypeConfig | ✅ | |
ApplicationSubtypeDefinition | ✅ | |
AppMenu | ✅ | |
AppointmentAssignmentPolicy | ✅ | |
AppointmentSchedulingPolicy | ✅ | |
ApprovalProcess | ✅ | |
AssessmentConfiguration | ❌ | Not supported |
AssessmentQuestion | ✅ | |
AssessmentQuestionSet | ✅ | |
AssignmentRule | ✅ | |
AssignmentRules | ✅ | |
AssistantContextItem | ✅ | |
AssistantDefinition | ✅ | |
AssistantRecommendationType | ✅ | |
AssistantSkillQuickAction | ✅ | |
AssistantSkillSobjectAction | ✅ | |
AssistantVersion | ✅ | |
AssociationEngineSettings | ✅ | |
Audience | ✅ | |
AuraDefinitionBundle | ✅ | |
AuthProvider | ✅ | |
AutomatedContactsSettings | ✅ | |
AutoResponseRule | ✅ | |
AutoResponseRules | ✅ | |
BatchCalcJobDefinition | ✅ | |
BatchProcessJobDefinition | ✅ | |
BenefitAction | ✅ | |
BillingSettings | ✅ | Salesforce release (v62) |
BlacklistedConsumer | ✅ | |
BldgEnrgyIntensityCnfg | ✅ | |
BlockchainSettings | ✅ | |
Bot | ✅ | |
BotBlock | ✅ | |
BotBlockVersion | ❌ | Not supported |
BotSettings | ✅ | |
BotTemplate | ✅ | |
BotVersion | ✅ | |
BranchManagementSettings | ✅ | |
BrandingSet | ✅ | |
BriefcaseDefinition | ✅ | |
BusinessHoursSettings | ✅ | |
BusinessProcess | ✅ | |
BusinessProcessFeedbackConfiguration | ✅ | |
BusinessProcessGroup | ✅ | |
BusinessProcessTypeDefinition | ✅ | |
CallCenter | ✅ | |
CallCenterRoutingMap | ✅ | |
CallCoachingMediaProvider | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
CallCtrAgentFavTrfrDest | ✅ | |
CampaignInfluenceModel | ✅ | |
CampaignSettings | ✅ | |
CanvasMetadata | ✅ | |
CareBenefitVerifySettings | ✅ | |
CareLimitType | ✅ | |
CareProviderAfflRoleConfig | ✅ | |
CareProviderSearchConfig | ✅ | |
CareRequestConfiguration | ✅ | |
CareSystemFieldMapping | ✅ | |
CaseSettings | ✅ | |
CaseSubjectParticle | ✅ | |
Certificate | ✅ | |
ChannelLayout | ✅ | |
ChannelObjectLinkingRule | ✅ | |
ChannelRevMgmtSettings | ✅ | Salesforce release (v62) |
ChatterAnswersSettings | ✅ | |
ChatterEmailsMDSettings | ✅ | |
ChatterExtension | ✅ | |
ChatterSettings | ✅ | |
ChoiceList | ❌ | Salesforce release (v62), Not supported |
ClaimFinancialSettings | ✅ | |
ClaimMgmtFoundationEnabledSettings | ✅ | |
ClauseCatgConfiguration | ✅ | |
CleanDataService | ✅ | |
CMSConnectSource | ✅ | |
CodeBuilderSettings | ✅ | |
CollectionsDashboardSettings | ✅ | |
CommandAction | ✅ | |
CommerceSettings | ✅ | |
CommsServiceConsoleSettings | ✅ | |
CommunitiesSettings | ✅ | |
Community | ✅ | |
CommunityTemplateDefinition | ✅ | |
CommunityThemeDefinition | ✅ | |
CompactLayout | ✅ | |
CompanySettings | ✅ | |
ConnectedApp | ✅ | |
ConnectedAppSettings | ✅ | |
ContentAsset | ✅ | |
ContentSettings | ✅ | |
ContextDefinition | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
ContextUseCaseMapping | ❌ | Not supported |
ContractSettings | ✅ | |
ContractType | ❌ | Not supported |
ConversationalIntelligenceSettings | ✅ | |
ConversationChannelDefinition | ✅ | |
ConversationMessageDefinition | ✅ | Salesforce release (v62) |
ConversationServiceIntegrationSettings | ✅ | |
ConversationVendorFieldDef | ✅ | |
ConversationVendorInfo | ✅ | |
ConvIntelligenceSignalRule | ❌ | Salesforce release (v62), Not supported |
CorsWhitelistOrigin | ✅ | |
CspTrustedSite | ✅ | |
CurrencySettings | ✅ | |
CustomAddressFieldSettings | ✅ | |
CustomApplication | ✅ | |
CustomApplicationComponent | ✅ | |
CustomDataType | ✅ | |
CustomerDataPlatformSettings | ✅ | |
CustomExperience | ✅ | |
CustomFeedFilter | ✅ | |
CustomField | ✅ | |
CustomFieldTranslation | ✅ | |
CustomHelpMenuSection | ✅ | |
CustomIndex | ✅ | |
CustomizablePropensityScoringSettings | ✅ | |
CustomLabel | ✅ | |
CustomLabels | ✅ | |
CustomMetadata | ✅ | |
CustomNotificationType | ✅ | |
CustomObject | ✅ | |
CustomObjectTranslation | ✅ | Slow, generally not used. Disabled by default |
CustomPageWebLink | ✅ | |
CustomPermission | ✅ | |
CustomSite | ✅ | |
CustomTab | ✅ | |
CustomValue | ❌ | Not supported |
Dashboard | ✅ | |
DashboardFolder | ✅ | |
DataCalcInsightTemplate | ✅ | |
DataCategoryGroup | ✅ | |
DataConnectorIngestApi | ✅ | |
DataConnectorS3 | ✅ | |
DataDotComSettings | ✅ | |
DataImportManagementSettings | ✅ | |
DataKitObjectDependency | ✅ | |
DataKitObjectTemplate | ✅ | |
DataPackageKitDefinition | ✅ | |
DataPackageKitObject | ✅ | |
DataPipeline | ✅ | |
DataSource | ✅ | |
DataSourceBundleDefinition | ✅ | |
DataSourceObject | ✅ | |
DataSourceTenant | ✅ | |
DataSrcDataModelFieldMap | ✅ | |
DataStreamDefinition | ✅ | |
DataStreamTemplate | ✅ | |
DataWeaveResource | ✅ | |
DecisionMatrixDefinition | ✅ | |
DecisionMatrixDefinitionVersion | ✅ | |
DecisionTable | ✅ | |
DecisionTableDatasetLink | ✅ | |
DelegateGroup | ✅ | |
DeploymentSettings | ✅ | |
DevHubSettings | ✅ | |
DigitalExperience | ✅ | |
DigitalExperienceBundle | ✅ | |
DigitalExperienceConfig | ✅ | |
DisclosureDefinition | ✅ | |
DisclosureDefinitionVersion | ✅ | |
DisclosureType | ✅ | |
DiscoveryAIModel | ✅ | |
DiscoveryGoal | ✅ | |
DiscoverySettings | ✅ | |
DiscoveryStory | ✅ | |
Document | ✅ | |
DocumentCategory | ✅ | |
DocumentCategoryDocumentType | ✅ | |
DocumentChecklistSettings | ✅ | |
DocumentFolder | ✅ | |
DocumentGenerationSetting | ✅ | |
DocumentTemplate | ❌ | Not supported |
DocumentType | ✅ | |
DuplicateRule | ✅ | |
DynamicFormsSettings | ✅ | |
DynamicFulfillmentOrchestratorSettings | ✅ | |
DynamicTrigger | ✅ | |
EACSettings | ✅ | |
EclairGeoData | ✅ | |
EinsteinAgentSettings | ✅ | |
EinsteinAISettings | ✅ | |
EinsteinAssistantSettings | ✅ | |
EinsteinCopilotSettings | ✅ | |
EinsteinDealInsightsSettings | ✅ | |
EinsteinDocumentCaptureSettings | ✅ | |
EinsteinGptSettings | ✅ | |
EmailAdministrationSettings | ✅ | |
EmailFolder | ✅ | |
EmailIntegrationSettings | ✅ | |
EmailServicesFunction | ✅ | |
EmailTemplate | ✅ | |
EmailTemplateFolder | ✅ | |
EmailTemplateSettings | ✅ | |
EmbeddedServiceBranding | ✅ | |
EmbeddedServiceConfig | ✅ | |
EmbeddedServiceFieldService | ✅ | |
EmbeddedServiceFlowConfig | ✅ | |
EmbeddedServiceLiveAgent | ✅ | |
EmbeddedServiceMenuSettings | ✅ | |
EmployeeDataSyncProfile | ❌ | Not supported |
EmployeeFieldAccessSettings | ✅ | |
EmployeeUserSettings | ✅ | |
EnablementMeasureDefinition | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
EnablementProgramDefinition | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
EnblProgramTaskSubCategory | ✅ | Salesforce release (v62) |
EnhancedNotesSettings | ✅ | |
EntitlementProcess | ✅ | |
EntitlementSettings | ✅ | |
EntitlementTemplate | ✅ | |
EntityImplements | ✅ | |
EscalationRule | ✅ | |
EscalationRules | ✅ | |
ESignatureConfig | ✅ | |
ESignatureEnvelopeConfig | ✅ | |
EssentialsSettings | ✅ | |
EventDelivery | ✅ | |
EventLogObjectSettings | ✅ | |
EventRelayConfig | ✅ | |
EventSettings | ✅ | |
EventSubscription | ✅ | |
EventType | ✅ | |
ExperienceBundle | ✅ | |
ExperienceBundleSettings | ✅ | |
ExperiencePropertyTypeBundle | ✅ | |
ExplainabilityActionDefinition | ✅ | |
ExplainabilityActionVersion | ✅ | |
ExplainabilityMsgTemplate | ✅ | |
ExpressionSetDefinition | ✅ | |
ExpressionSetDefinitionVersion | ✅ | |
ExpressionSetMessageToken | ✅ | |
ExpressionSetObjectAlias | ✅ | |
extDataTranFieldTemplate | ✅ | |
ExtDataTranFieldTemplate | ❌ | Not supported |
ExtDataTranObjectTemplate | ✅ | |
ExternalAIModel | ✅ | |
ExternalAuthIdentityProvider | ❌ | Not supported |
ExternalClientApplication | ✅ | |
ExternalClientAppSettings | ✅ | |
ExternalCredential | ✅ | |
ExternalDataConnector | ✅ | |
ExternalDataSource | ✅ | |
ExternalDataSrcDescriptor | ❌ | Not supported |
ExternalDataTranField | ❌ | Not supported |
ExternalDataTranObject | ❌ | Not supported |
ExternalDocStorageConfig | ❌ | Not supported |
ExternalServiceRegistration | ✅ | |
ExtlClntAppConfigurablePolicies | ✅ | |
ExtlClntAppGlobalOauthSettings | ✅ | |
ExtlClntAppMobileConfigurablePolicies | ✅ | |
ExtlClntAppMobileSettings | ✅ | |
ExtlClntAppNotificationSettings | ✅ | |
ExtlClntAppOauthConfigurablePolicies | ✅ | |
ExtlClntAppOauthSettings | ✅ | |
ExtlClntAppPushConfigurablePolicies | ❌ | Salesforce release (v62), Not supported |
ExtlClntAppPushSettings | ✅ | Salesforce release (v62) |
ExtlClntAppSampleConfigurablePolicies | ✅ | |
ExtlClntAppSampleSettings | ✅ | |
FeatureParameterBoolean | ✅ | |
FeatureParameterDate | ✅ | |
FeatureParameterInteger | ✅ | |
FieldRestrictionRule | ✅ | |
FieldServiceMobileExtension | ✅ | |
FieldServiceSettings | ✅ | |
FieldSet | ✅ | |
FieldSrcTrgtRelationship | ✅ | |
FilesConnectSettings | ✅ | |
FileUploadAndDownloadSecuritySettings | ✅ | |
FlexiPage | ✅ | |
Flow | ✅ | |
FlowCategory | ✅ | |
FlowDefinition | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
FlowSettings | ✅ | |
FlowTest | ✅ | |
ForecastingFilter | ✅ | |
ForecastingFilterCondition | ✅ | |
ForecastingGroup | ✅ | |
ForecastingObjectListSettings | ✅ | |
ForecastingSettings | ✅ | |
ForecastingSourceDefinition | ✅ | |
ForecastingType | ✅ | |
ForecastingTypeSource | ✅ | |
Form | ✅ | |
FormSection | ✅ | |
FormulaSettings | ✅ | |
FuelType | ✅ | |
FuelTypeSustnUom | ✅ | |
FunctionReference | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
FundraisingConfig | ✅ | |
GatewayProviderPaymentMethodType | ✅ | |
GenAiFunction | ✅ | |
GenAiPlanner | ✅ | |
GenAiPlugin | ❌ | Not supported |
GenAiPluginInstructionDef | ❌ | Not supported |
GenAiPromptTemplate | ✅ | |
GenAiPromptTemplateActv | ✅ | |
GlobalPicklist | ✅ | |
GlobalValueSet | ✅ | |
GlobalValueSetTranslation | ✅ | |
GoogleAppsSettings | ✅ | |
Group | ✅ | |
HerokuIntegrationSettings | ✅ | Salesforce release (v62) |
HighVelocitySalesSettings | ✅ | |
HomePageComponent | ✅ | |
HomePageLayout | ✅ | |
Icon | ✅ | |
IdeasSettings | ✅ | |
IdentityProviderSettings | ✅ | |
IdentityVerificationProcDef | ✅ | |
IframeWhiteListUrlSettings | ✅ | |
InboundCertificate | ✅ | |
InboundNetworkConnection | ✅ | |
IncidentMgmtSettings | ✅ | |
IncludeEstTaxInQuoteCPQSettings | ✅ | |
IncludeEstTaxInQuoteSettings | ✅ | |
Index | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
IndustriesAutomotiveSettings | ✅ | |
IndustriesContextSettings | ✅ | |
IndustriesEinsteinFeatureSettings | ✅ | |
IndustriesEventOrchSettings | ✅ | |
IndustriesFieldServiceSettings | ✅ | |
IndustriesGamificationSettings | ✅ | |
IndustriesLoyaltySettings | ✅ | |
IndustriesManufacturingSettings | ✅ | |
IndustriesPricingSettings | ✅ | |
IndustriesRatingSettings | ✅ | Salesforce release (v62) |
IndustriesSettings | ✅ | |
IndustriesUnifiedPromotionsSettings | ✅ | |
IndustriesUsageSettings | ✅ | Salesforce release (v62) |
InsightType | ✅ | |
InstalledPackage | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
IntegrationHubSettings | ✅ | |
IntegrationHubSettingsType | ✅ | |
IntegrationProviderDef | ✅ | |
InterestTaggingSettings | ✅ | |
InternalDataConnector | ✅ | |
InternalOrganization | ✅ | |
InventorySettings | ✅ | |
InvLatePymntRiskCalcSettings | ✅ | |
InvocableActionSettings | ✅ | |
IoTSettings | ✅ | |
IPAddressRange | ✅ | |
KeywordList | ✅ | |
KnowledgeGenerationSettings | ✅ | |
KnowledgeSettings | ✅ | |
LanguageSettings | ✅ | |
LargeQuotesandOrdersForRlmSettings | ✅ | |
Layout | ✅ | |
LeadConfigSettings | ✅ | |
LeadConvertSettings | ✅ | |
LearningAchievementConfig | ❌ | Not supported |
LearningItemType | ✅ | Salesforce release (v62) |
Letterhead | ✅ | |
LicenseDefinition | ✅ | |
LicensingSettings | ✅ | |
LightningBolt | ✅ | |
LightningComponentBundle | ✅ | |
LightningExperienceSettings | ✅ | |
LightningExperienceTheme | ✅ | |
LightningMessageChannel | ✅ | |
LightningOnboardingConfig | ✅ | |
ListView | ✅ | |
LiveAgentSettings | ✅ | |
LiveChatAgentConfig | ✅ | |
LiveChatButton | ✅ | |
LiveChatDeployment | ✅ | |
LiveChatSensitiveDataRule | ✅ | |
LiveMessageSettings | ✅ | |
LocationUse | ✅ | |
LoyaltyProgramSetup | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
MacroSettings | ✅ | |
MailMergeSettings | ✅ | |
ManagedContentType | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
ManagedEventSubscription | ✅ | |
ManagedTopic | ✅ | |
ManagedTopics | ✅ | |
MapsAndLocationSettings | ✅ | |
MarketingAppExtActivity | ❌ | Not supported |
MarketingAppExtension | ✅ | |
MarketingResourceType | ✅ | |
MarketSegmentDefinition | ✅ | |
MatchingRule | ✅ | |
MatchingRules | ✅ | |
MediaAdSalesSettings | ✅ | |
MeetingsSettings | ✅ | |
MessagingChannel | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
MfgProgramTemplate | ✅ | |
MfgServiceConsoleSettings | ✅ | |
MilestoneType | ✅ | |
MktCalcInsightObjectDef | ✅ | |
MktDataConnection | ❌ | Not supported |
MktDataConnectionSrcParam | ❌ | Not supported |
MktDataTranField | ✅ | |
MktDataTranObject | ✅ | |
MLDataDefinition | ✅ | |
MlDomain | ✅ | |
MLPredictionDefinition | ✅ | |
MLRecommendationDefinition | ✅ | |
MobileApplicationDetail | ✅ | |
MobileSecurityAssignment | ✅ | |
MobileSecurityPolicy | ✅ | |
MobileSecurityPolicySet | ✅ | |
MobileSettings | ✅ | |
MobSecurityCertPinConfig | ✅ | |
ModerationRule | ✅ | |
MutingPermissionSet | ✅ | |
MyDomainDiscoverableLogin | ✅ | |
MyDomainSettings | ✅ | |
NamedCredential | ✅ | |
NameSettings | ✅ | |
NavigationMenu | ✅ | |
Network | ✅ | |
NetworkBranding | ✅ | |
NotificationsSettings | ✅ | |
NotificationTypeConfig | ✅ | |
OauthCustomScope | ✅ | |
OauthOidcSettings | ✅ | |
OauthTokenExchangeHandler | ✅ | |
ObjectHierarchyRelationship | ✅ | |
ObjectLinkingSettings | ✅ | |
ObjectSourceTargetMap | ✅ | |
OcrSampleDocument | ✅ | |
OcrTemplate | ✅ | |
OmniChannelPricingSettings | ✅ | |
OmniChannelSettings | ✅ | |
OmniDataTransform | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
OmniExtTrackingDef | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
OmniIntegrationProcedure | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
OmniInteractionAccessConfig | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
OmniInteractionConfig | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
OmniScript | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
OmniSupervisorConfig | ✅ | |
OmniTrackingGroup | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
OmniUiCard | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
OnlineSalesSettings | ✅ | |
OpportunityScoreSettings | ✅ | |
OpportunitySettings | ✅ | |
Orchestration | ✅ | |
OrchestrationContext | ✅ | |
OrderManagementSettings | ✅ | |
OrderSettings | ✅ | |
OrgSettings | ✅ | |
OutboundNetworkConnection | ✅ | |
PardotEinsteinSettings | ✅ | |
PardotSettings | ✅ | |
ParticipantRole | ✅ | |
PartyDataModelSettings | ✅ | |
PathAssistant | ✅ | |
PathAssistantSettings | ✅ | |
PaymentGatewayProvider | ✅ | |
PaymentsManagementEnabledSettings | ✅ | |
PaymentsSettings | ✅ | |
PermissionSet | ✅ | |
PermissionSetGroup | ✅ | |
PermissionSetLicenseDefinition | ✅ | |
PersonAccountOwnerPowerUser | ✅ | |
PicklistSettings | ✅ | |
PicklistValue | ❌ | Not supported |
PipelineInspMetricConfig | ✅ | |
PlatformCachePartition | ✅ | |
PlatformEventChannel | ✅ | |
PlatformEventChannelMember | ✅ | |
PlatformEventSettings | ✅ | |
PlatformEventSubscriberConfig | ✅ | |
PlatformSlackSettings | ✅ | |
Portal | ✅ | |
PortalDelegablePermissionSet | ❌ | Not supported |
PortalsSettings | ✅ | |
PostTemplate | ✅ | |
PredictionBuilderSettings | ✅ | |
PresenceDeclineReason | ✅ | |
PresenceUserConfig | ✅ | |
PricingActionParameters | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
PricingRecipe | ✅ | |
PrivacySettings | ✅ | |
ProcessFlowMigration | ✅ | |
ProductAttrDisplayConfig | ❌ | Not supported |
ProductAttributeSet | ✅ | |
ProductConfiguratorSettings | ✅ | |
ProductDiscoverySettings | ✅ | Salesforce release (v62) |
ProductSettings | ✅ | |
ProductSpecificationRecType | ❌ | Not supported |
ProductSpecificationType | ❌ | Not supported |
ProductSpecificationTypeDefinition | ✅ | |
Profile | ✅ | |
ProfilePasswordPolicy | ✅ | |
ProfileSessionSetting | ✅ | |
Prompt | ✅ | |
PublicKeyCertificate | ❌ | Salesforce release (v62), Not supported |
PublicKeyCertificateSet | ❌ | Salesforce release (v62), Not supported |
Queue | ✅ | |
QueueRoutingConfig | ✅ | |
QuickAction | ✅ | |
QuickTextSettings | ✅ | |
QuoteSettings | ✅ | |
RealTimeEventSettings | ✅ | |
RecAlrtDataSrcExpSetDef | ❌ | Not supported |
RecommendationBuilderSettings | ✅ | |
RecommendationStrategy | ✅ | |
RecordActionDeployment | ✅ | |
RecordAggregationDefinition | ✅ | |
RecordAlertCategory | ✅ | |
RecordAlertDataSource | ✅ | |
RecordAlertTemplate | ✅ | |
RecordPageSettings | ✅ | |
RecordType | ✅ | |
RedirectWhitelistUrl | ✅ | |
ReferencedDashboard | ❌ | Not supported |
ReferralMarketingSettings | ✅ | |
RegisteredExternalService | ✅ | |
RelatedRecordAssocCriteria | ❌ | Not supported |
RelationshipGraphDefinition | ✅ | |
RemoteSiteSetting | ✅ | |
Report | ✅ | |
ReportFolder | ✅ | |
ReportType | ✅ | |
RestrictionRule | ✅ | |
RetailExecutionSettings | ✅ | |
RetrievalSummaryDefinition | ✅ | |
RevenueManagementSettings | ✅ | |
Role | ✅ | |
SalesAgreementSettings | ✅ | |
SalesWorkQueueSettings | ✅ | |
SamlSsoConfig | ✅ | |
SandboxSettings | ✅ | |
SceGlobalModelOptOutSettings | ✅ | |
SchedulingObjective | ✅ | |
SchedulingRule | ✅ | |
SchemaSettings | ✅ | |
Scontrol | ✅ | |
ScoreCategory | ✅ | |
SearchableObjDataSyncInfo | ✅ | |
SearchCriteriaConfiguration | ✅ | |
SearchCustomization | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
SearchOrgWideObjectConfig | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
SearchSettings | ✅ | |
SecuritySettings | ✅ | |
ServiceAISetupDefinition | ✅ | |
ServiceAISetupField | ✅ | |
ServiceChannel | ✅ | |
ServiceCloudVoiceSettings | ✅ | |
ServicePresenceStatus | ✅ | |
ServiceProcess | ✅ | |
ServiceSetupAssistantSettings | ✅ | |
Settings | ✅ | |
SharingCriteriaRule | ✅ | |
SharingGuestRule | ✅ | |
SharingOwnerRule | ✅ | |
SharingReason | ✅ | |
SharingRules | ⚠️ | No source tracking |
SharingSet | ✅ | |
SharingSettings | ✅ | |
SharingTerritoryRule | ✅ | |
SiteDotCom | ✅ | Enable Digital Experiences and use ExperienceBundle instead |
SiteSettings | ✅ | |
Skill | ✅ | |
SkillType | ✅ | |
SlackApp | ✅ | |
SocialCustomerServiceSettings | ✅ | |
SourceTrackingSettings | ✅ | |
StageDefinition | ✅ | Salesforce release (v62) |
StandardValue | ❌ | Not supported |
StandardValueSet | ✅ | |
StandardValueSetTranslation | ✅ | |
StaticResource | ✅ | |
StnryAssetEnvSrcCnfg | ✅ | |
StreamingAppDataConnector | ✅ | |
SubscriptionManagementSettings | ✅ | |
SurveySettings | ✅ | |
SustainabilityUom | ✅ | |
SustnUomConversion | ✅ | |
SvcCatalogCategory | ✅ | |
SvcCatalogFilterCondition | ✅ | |
SvcCatalogFilterCriteria | ✅ | |
SvcCatalogFulfillmentFlow | ✅ | |
SvcCatalogItemDef | ✅ | |
SvcCatalogItemDefFiltrCrit | ✅ | |
SynonymDictionary | ✅ | |
SystemNotificationSettings | ✅ | |
Territory | ✅ | |
Territory2 | ✅ | |
Territory2Model | ✅ | |
Territory2Rule | ✅ | |
Territory2Settings | ✅ | |
Territory2Type | ✅ | |
TimelineObjectDefinition | ✅ | |
TimeSheetTemplate | ✅ | |
TopicsForObjects | ✅ | |
TrailheadSettings | ✅ | |
TransactionSecurityPolicy | ✅ | |
Translations | ✅ | |
TrialOrgSettings | ✅ | |
UiFormatSpecificationSet | ✅ | Salesforce release (v62) |
UIObjectRelationConfig | ✅ | |
UiPlugin | ✅ | |
UiViewDefinition | ✅ | |
UserAccessPolicy | ✅ | |
UserAuthCertificate | ✅ | |
UserCriteria | ✅ | |
UserEngagementSettings | ✅ | |
UserInterfaceSettings | ✅ | |
UserManagementSettings | ✅ | |
UserProfileSearchScope | ✅ | |
UserProvisioningConfig | ✅ | |
ValidationRule | ✅ | |
VehicleAssetEmssnSrcCnfg | ✅ | |
ViewDefinition | ✅ | |
VirtualVisitConfig | ❌ | Not supported |
VisualizationPlugin | ✅ | |
VoiceSettings | ✅ | |
WarrantyLifecycleMgmtSettings | ✅ | |
WaveAnalyticAssetCollection | ❌ | Not supported |
WaveApplication | ✅ | |
WaveComponent | ✅ | |
WaveDashboard | ✅ | |
WaveDataflow | ✅ | |
WaveDataset | ✅ | |
WaveLens | ✅ | |
WaveRecipe | ✅ | |
WaveTemplateBundle | ✅ | |
WaveXmd | ✅ | |
Web3Settings | ✅ | |
WebLink | ✅ | |
WebStoreBundle | ✅ | |
WebStoreTemplate | ✅ | |
WebToXSettings | ✅ | |
WorkDotComSettings | ✅ | |
Workflow | ✅ | |
WorkflowAlert | ✅ | |
WorkflowFieldUpdate | ✅ | |
WorkflowFlowAction | ❌ | Not supported |
WorkflowFlowAutomation | ❌ | Salesforce release (v62), Not supported |
WorkflowKnowledgePublish | ✅ | |
WorkflowOutboundMessage | ✅ | |
WorkflowRule | ✅ | |
WorkflowSend | ✅ | |
WorkflowTask | ✅ | |
WorkforceEngagementSettings | ✅ | |
WorkSkillRouting | ✅ | |
WorkSkillRoutingAttribute | ✅ | |
XOrgHub | ✅ |
Updated 12 days ago